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Pokemon Orange Islands - A GBA ROM Hack Based on the Anime Series


Pokemon Orange Islands: A GBA Rom Hack Based on the Anime

Have you ever wanted to play a Pokemon game that follows the story of the anime? If so, then you should check out Pokemon Orange Islands, a GBA ROM hack by kalarie based on Pokemon FireRed. Pokemon Orange Islands is a fan-made game that lets you relive Ash's journey in the Orange Archipelago, where he meets new friends, catches new Pokemon, and faces new challenges. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Pokemon Orange Islands, including its features, how to download and play it, and why it is a must-play for Pokemon fans.

Features of Pokemon Orange Islands

Pokemon Orange Islands is not just a simple reskin of FireRed. It has many features that make it stand out from other ROM hacks. Here are some of them:

pokemon orange island gba download

Follow Ash's journey in the Orange Archipelago

Pokemon Orange Islands follows the plot of the anime closely, so you can experience Ash's adventures in the Orange Archipelago as if you were watching the show. You will meet characters like Tracey, Professor Ivy, and Danny, and take part in events like the Whirl Cup, the Crystal Onix hunt, and the battle against Drake. You will also encounter Team Rocket and foil their plans as usual.

Catch and evolve new Pokemon from different regions

Pokemon Orange Islands features Pokemon from different regions, such as Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, and Galar. You can catch them in various locations throughout the game, such as islands, caves, forests, and seas. Some of them have new evolutions or forms, such as Lapras, Snorlax, Eevee, and Pikachu. You can also trade with other players or use special items to evolve certain Pokemon.

Explore new locations and face new challenges

Pokemon Orange Islands has many new locations to explore besides the ones from the anime. You can visit places like Pinkan Island, Shamouti Island, Valencia Island, Trovita Island, Kumquat Island, Pummelo Island, and more. Each location has its own unique scenery, music, puzzles, secrets, and trainers to battle. You will also face new challenges such as gym battles, mini-games, quizzes, contests, and special events.

Enjoy improved graphics and sound effects

Pokemon Orange Islands has improved graphics and sound effects that make the game more immersive and enjoyable. The game has new sprites for characters, Pokemon, items, tiles, backgrounds, menus, and more. The game also has new sound effects for moves, abilities, weather conditions, etc. The game also supports day and night system, weather system, running shoes indoors, physical/special split, fairy type, mega evolution, dynamax/gigantamax forms (in beta), etc.

How to Download and Play Pokemon Orange Islands

If you are interested in playing Pokemon Orange Islands, here are the things you need to do:

Requirements: A GBA emulator and a patching tool

To play Pokemon Orange Islands on your device (PC or mobile), you need two things: a GBA emulator and a patch ing tool. A GBA emulator is a software that allows you to run GBA games on your device. A patching tool is a software that allows you to apply a patch file to a ROM file. A patch file is a file that contains the changes made by the ROM hacker to the original game. A ROM file is a file that contains the data of the original game.

There are many GBA emulators and patching tools available online, but we recommend using these ones:

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  • For PC: Visual Boy Advance (VBA) as the emulator and Lunar IPS as the patching tool

  • For Android: My Boy! as the emulator and UniPatcher as the patching tool

  • For iOS: GBA4iOS as the emulator and iFunBox as the patching tool

You can download these emulators and patching tools from their official websites or from trusted sources.

Steps: Download the ROM hack, patch it to a FireRed ROM, and load it on your emulator

Once you have the emulator and the patching tool installed on your device, you can follow these steps to play Pokemon Orange Islands:

Download the latest version of Pokemon Orange Islands from this link: (

  • Extract the zip file and you will get a .ips file, which is the patch file for Pokemon Orange Islands

  • Download a clean Pokemon FireRed ROM from a reliable source. Make sure it is a US version with the code BPRE

  • Rename the FireRed ROM to match the name of the patch file, except for the extension. For example, if the patch file is named PokemonOrangeIslandsBeta5.2.ips, rename the FireRed ROM to PokemonOrangeIslandsBeta5.2.gba

  • Place both files in the same folder and run the patching tool. Select the patch file and then select the ROM file and apply the patch

  • You will get a message saying that the patching was successful. You can now delete or move the original FireRed ROM and keep the patched ROM

  • Run the emulator and load the patched ROM. You can now play Pokemon Orange Islands on your device

Tips: Save frequently, use cheats if you want, and have fun

Pokemon Orange Islands is a fun and challenging game, but it may also have some bugs or glitches since it is still in development. To avoid losing your progress or encountering any problems, we recommend saving frequently using both the in-game save option and the emulator's save state option. You can also use cheats if you want to make the game easier or more interesting, but be careful not to use too many or incompatible ones as they may cause errors or crashes. Most importantly, have fun playing Pokemon Orange Islands and enjoy its features and story.

Conclusion: Pokemon Orange Islands is a Must-Play for Pokemon Fans

Pokemon Orange Islands is a GBA ROM hack that lets you play as Ash in his adventures in the Orange Archipelago. It has many features that make it unique and enjoyable, such as new Pokemon, new locations, new challenges, improved graphics, and sound effects. It is also faithful to the anime's plot and characters, so you can relive your childhood memories or discover them for the first time. Pokemon Orange Islands is a must-play for Pokemon fans who want to experience a different kind of Pokemon game.

If you are interested in playing Pokemon Orange Islands, you can download it from this link: ( You will also need a GBA emulator and a patching tool to play it on your device. Follow our guide above to learn how to download and play Pokemon Orange Islands easily and smoothly.

What are you waiting for? Download Pokemon Orange Islands today and experience the adventure for yourself!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some of the most common questions that people ask about Pokemon Orange Islands:

Q: How long is Pokemon Orange Islands?

A: Pokemon Orange Islands is currently in beta version 5.2, which covers up to episode 105 of the anime. The developer plans to release more updates in the future that will complete the game until episode 116, which is the end of Ash's journey in the Orange Archipelago.

Q: Can I play Pokemon Orange Islands on my phone?

A: Yes, you can play Pokemon Orange Islands on your phone if you have a GBA emulator installed on it A: You can find more information or support for Pokemon Orange Islands on the official thread of the game on PokeCommunity, where you can also interact with the developer and other players. You can also watch some videos or reviews of the game on YouTube or other platforms. If you encounter any bugs or issues while playing the game, you can report them on the thread or contact the developer directly.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned something new about Pokemon Orange Islands. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for your time and attention. 44f88ac181

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